Assistant for Economics and Development Administration for East Kalimantan Province, Abu Helmi representing the Regional Secretary for East Kalimantan Province, opened a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Synchronizing the Implementation of the Green House Gas Emission Reduction Program (GHG) Scheme Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) East Kalimantan in the Colors Room of the Novotel Hotel, Wednesday (24/11/2021).
Abu Helmi thanked development partners so far for facilitating regional development activities to achieve Sovereign East Kalimantan.
"Today, I would like to invite development partners together to support the Government in implementing and facilitating activities in the carbon emission reduction program," he said.
Expert Staff to the Governor, President Director of Perusda Sylva Kaltim Sejahtera, Mr. Ir. H. Stepi Hakim MEMD, as the resource person, said that the FGD aims to gather partners so that they can contribute to emission reduction activities in East Kalimantan.
"I want to convey the latest developments on how the results of the visit in Glasgow, England and preparing for implementation in the field when incentives are liquidated," he said.
The FGD was attended by the Chairman of the Regional Council for Climate Change in East Kalimantan, Prof. Dr. Daddy Ruhiyat, representatives of Yayan Bioma, representatives of the Regional Apparatus of the Province of East Kalimantan, both offline and online. (tya/yans/adpimprovkaltim)
Foto : Cinthia Ayu Azhari
Source : www.kaltimprov.go.id
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