Chairman of Commission IV of the East Kalimantan DPRD, Rusman Ya'kub, appreciated Governor Isran Noor's policies in an effort to make climate change, especially in reducing emissions, but not reducing efforts to improve people's welfare.
After attending the talk show of Governor Isran Noor and Regent of Berau Sri Juniarsih at the Indonesian Pavilion at COP 26 UNFCCC Glasgow England, (12/11/2021), he assessed that the policy of Governor Isran and Regent Sri Juniarsih to continue to fight for the welfare of the people in the midst of environmental improvement efforts must supported.
"We appreciate the policies of the two regional heads, because climate change is an international issue that can have an impact on regional development efforts, especially in the welfare of the people," said Rusman Ya'kub, Saturday (11/13/2021).
He emphasized that the development of environmental insight must be carried out, but not ignore the interests of the people. Not surprisingly, Rusman supports Governor Isran Noor in an effort to obtain sources of financing from abroad, especially from countries that are highly committed to climate change.
"Kaltim is part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is in need of a large budget or budget for its construction, on the other hand the funds received are limited plus there is an obligation to be environmentally friendly while East Kalimantan's natural resources are promising," explained the PPP politician.
Regarding the existence of several countries such as Norway and the UK that are willing to help East Kalimantan by providing development funds for the impact of East Kalimantan's efforts to reduce emissions which are relatively large, Rusman sees this as a great opportunity.
"East Kalimantan still needs a lot of development funds, the support from a number of countries is certainly a big opportunity, so that it can help the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in improving people's welfare," he said.
Rusman Ya'kub, one of the East Kalimantan delegates at COP 26 UNFCCC, during the activities of Governor Isran Noor, he was actively involved in meetings held at the Indonesian Embassy in the UK, including the Norwegian and British delegations and the Deputy Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia (sdn/yans/adpimprovkaltim)
Photo : Adpim Prov. Kaltim
Source : pemprov kaltim
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