The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of East Kalimantan is committed to reducing emissions from land activities by up to 23 million tons of CO2e for the 2019-2020 period after reducing the reversal buffer.
If it continues to be consistent every year in 2030, said East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor, East Kalimantan will contribute 164 million tons of CO2e to reduce emissions to the country, reaching 33 percent of the total national target of 485 million tons of CO2e under the AFOLU sector.
When speaking on a talkshow at the Indonesian Pavilion at COP 26 of the UNFCCC in Glasgow, England, Friday (12/11/2021), Governor Isran said that if the FCPF carbon fund was realized as promised by a number of countries, it was recognized that it would help the region in prospering the people.
“East Kalimantan has an additional 18 million tons of CO2e, therefore Kaltim plans to sell the extra ER to other donor countries to appreciate the efforts of the community, the private sector, and the public in reducing emissions through compensation to be used for capacity building, technology improvement, and access to international markets for forest and agricultural products,” said Isran in the event hosted by Ir. H. Stepi Hakim, MEMD, Director of Perusda Sylva Kaltim Sejahtera, Special Staff to the Governor of East Kalimantan.
Together with the Regent of Berau, Sri Juniarsih, it was revealed that the economy of East Kalimantan, which will become the State Capital of the Republic of Indonesia, will cost USD 32.7 billion in 2024. Where the remaining 19 percent of the state budget is expected to cooperate with the private sector and private investment.
East Kalimantan, continued Isran, is a province with the third highest Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) per capita in Indonesia, which reached USD 11,191 per capita.
Photo : Syafranuddin/Adpim Prov. Kaltim
Source : pemprov kaltim
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